
今天是2024年9月17日 星期二,歡迎光臨本站 



文字:[大][中][小] 手機頁面二維碼 2022/11/23     瀏覽次數:    

      鑫銳公司通過八年時間的蘊蓄和快速發(fā)展,公司產品已得到客戶的廣 泛認可和好評,部分產品通過集成商出口到泰國、越南、印度、菲律賓等東南亞地區(qū)。圓通速遞、申通快遞、中國郵政、順豐速運、極兔速遞、菜鳥、FLASH、百世快運等各大快遞物流企業(yè)成為本公司主要客戶。  百尺竿頭,我們一直在努力,傾聽客戶建議,想客戶所想,把客戶利益放在第一位,以快速解決顧客實踐中各種便利高效的產品方案為已任。

  Established in 2015, Chuzhou Xinrui Logistics Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is located in China's mechanical and electrical equipment Manufacturing base -- Chuzhou National Economic and Technological Development Zone, Anhui Province. It is a scientific and technological logistics equipment manufacturer focusing on the development, design, manufacture, installation and after-sales service of spiral chutes and supporting sorting equipment and sheet metal parts of various categories and specifications in the logistics conveying and sorting industry.

  Since its establishment, the company has always adhered to the business principle of people-oriented and integrity, gathered the industry elites, organically combined the industry's advanced R & D design concept with the enterprise's unique scientific management method, and provided the fundamental guarantee for the company to develop, innovate and develop new products. To provide practical and feasible all-round chute and sorting equipment solutions for all links in the field of logistics transportation and sorting.

  The company has abundant talents and reasonable structure. Employees with college degree or above account for more than 50% of the total number of employees. A number of R & D design staff engaged in the express logistics industry for more than 10 years of their own work, has become the industry's main technical backbone.

  Xinrui Company through eight years of reserves and rapid development, the company's products have been widely recognized and praised by customers, some products through integrators exported to Thailand, Vietnam, India, the Philippines and other Southeast Asian regions. Yto Express, Sto Express, China Post, SF Express, polar rabbit Express, Cainiao, FLASH, Best Express Express and other major express logistics enterprises to become the company's main customers. We have been working hard to listen to customers' suggestions, think what customers want, put customers' interests in the first place, and quickly solve a variety of convenient and efficient product solutions in customer practice.

  Welcome new and old customers to call us, Xinrui company is willing to become your trusted friend and partner, thank you for your patronage.

顺昌县| 柳州市| 琼结县| 怀来县| 弥勒县| 明光市| 雷波县| 克什克腾旗| 逊克县| 吉安市| 大余县| 莱阳市| 孟州市| 石城县| 阿拉善左旗| 黄陵县| 托克逊县| 上蔡县| 新郑市| 大港区| 浠水县| 比如县| 石景山区| 垣曲县| 读书| 六安市| 固原市| 北海市| 临澧县| 汶川县| 溆浦县| 奉化市| 扬州市| 贵溪市| 汾西县| 城市| 邵东县| 偏关县| 萍乡市| 应城市| 大庆市|